नि काव्या वेधसः शश्वतस्कर्हस्ते दधानो नर्या पुरूणि । अग्निर्भुवद्रयिपती रयीणां सत्रा चक्राणो अमृतानि विश्वा ॥
ni kāvyā vedhasaḥ śaśvatas kar haste dadhāno naryā purūṇi | agnir bhuvad rayipatī rayīṇāṃ satrā cakrāṇo amṛtāni viśvā ||
Agni, holding in his hands many good things for men, appropriates the prayers addressed to the eternal creator. Agni is the lord of riches, quickly bestowing (on those who praise him) all golden (gifts).
अस्मे वत्सं परि षन्तं न विन्दन्निच्छन्तो विश्वे अमृता अमूराः । श्रमयुवः पदव्यो धियंधास्तस्थुः पदे परमे चार्वग्नेः ॥
asme vatsam pari ṣantaṃ na vindann icchanto viśve amṛtā amūrāḥ | śramayuvaḥ padavyo dhiyaṃdhās tasthuḥ pade parame cārv agneḥ ||
All the immortals, and the unbewildered (Maruts), wishing for him who was (dear) to us as a son, and was everywhere around, discovered him not; oppressed with fatigue, wandering on foot, and cognizant of his acts, they stopped at the last beautiful (hiding) plural ce of Agni.
तिस्रो यदग्ने शरदस्त्वामिच्छुचिं घृतेन शुचयः सपर्यान् । नामानि चिद्दधिरे यज्ञियान्यसूदयन्त तन्वः सुजाताः ॥
tisro yad agne śaradas tvām ic chuciṃ ghṛtena śucayaḥ saparyān | nāmāni cid dadhire yajñiyāny asūdayanta tanvaḥ sujātāḥ ||
Inasmuch, Agni, as the pure (Maruts) worshipped you, (equally) pure, with clarified butter for three years, therefore they acquired names worthy (to be treated) at sacrifice, and, being regenerated obtained celestial bodies.
आ रोदसी बृहती वेविदानाः प्र रुद्रिया जभ्रिरे यज्ञियासः । विदन्मर्तो नेमधिता चिकित्वानग्निं पदे परमे तस्थिवांसम् ॥
ā rodasī bṛhatī vevidānāḥ pra rudriyā jabhrire yajñiyāsaḥ | vidan marto nemadhitā cikitvān agnim pade parame tasthivāṃsam ||
Those who are to be worshipped, (the gods), inquiring between the expansive heaven and earth (for Agni), recited (hymns) dedicated to Rudra; the troop of mortal (Maruts), with (Indra), the shrer of half the oblation, knowing where Agni was hiding found him in his excellent retreat.
संजानाना उप सीदन्नभिज्ञु पत्नीवन्तो नमस्यं नमस्यन् । रिरिक्वांसस्तन्वः कृण्वत स्वाः सखा सख्युर्निमिषि रक्षमाणाः ॥
saṃjānānā upa sīdann abhijñu patnīvanto namasyaṃ namasyan | ririkvāṃsas tanvaḥ kṛṇvata svāḥ sakhā sakhyur nimiṣi rakṣamāṇāḥ ||
The gods, discovering you, sat down, and with their wives paid reverntial adoration to you upon their knees. Secure on beholding their friend, of being protected, your friends, the gods, abandoned the rest of their bodies in sacrifice.
त्रिः सप्त यद्गुह्यानि त्वे इत्पदाविदन्निहिता यज्ञियासः । तेभी रक्षन्ते अमृतं सजोषाः पशूञ्च स्थातॄञ्चरथं च पाहि ॥
triḥ sapta yad guhyāni tve it padāvidan nihitā yajñiyāsaḥ | tebhī rakṣante amṛtaṃ sajoṣāḥ paśūñ ca sthātṝñ carathaṃ ca pāhi ||
(Devout men), competent to offer sacrifices, have known the thrice seven mystic rites comprised in you, and with them, worshipped you; do you, therefore, with like affection, protect their cattle, and all that (belongs to them), moveable or stationary.
विद्वाँ अग्ने वयुनानि क्षितीनां व्यानुषक्छुरुधो जीवसे धाः । अन्तर्विद्वाँ अध्वनो देवयानानतन्द्रो दूतो अभवो हविर्वाट् ॥
vidvām̐ agne vayunāni kṣitīnāṃ vy ānuṣak churudho jīvase dhāḥ | antarvidvām̐ adhvano devayānān atandro dūto abhavo havirvāṭ ||
Agni, who are cognizant of all things to be known, ever provide for the subsistence of men, grief-alleviating (food); so shall you be the diligent bearer of oblations, and messenger of the gods, knowing the paths between (earth and heaven), by which they travel.
स्वाध्यो दिव आ सप्त यह्वी रायो दुरो व्यृतज्ञा अजानन् । विदद्गव्यं सरमा दृळ्हमूर्वं येना नु कं मानुषी भोजते विट् ॥
svādhyo diva ā sapta yahvī rāyo duro vy ṛtajñā ajānan | vidad gavyaṃ saramā dṛḻham ūrvaṃ yenā nu kam mānuṣī bhojate viṭ ||
The seven pure rivers that flow from heaven (are directed, Agni, by you; by you, the priests), skilled in sacrifices, knew the doors of the (cave where) the treasure, (their cattle), were concealed for you Saramā discovered the abundant milk of the kine with which man, the progeny of Manu, still is nourished.
आ ये विश्वा स्वपत्यानि तस्थुः कृण्वानासो अमृतत्वाय गातुम् । मह्ना महद्भिः पृथिवी वि तस्थे माता पुत्रैरदितिर्धायसे वेः ॥
ā ye viśvā svapatyāni tasthuḥ kṛṇvānāso amṛtatvāya gātum | mahnā mahadbhiḥ pṛthivī vi tasthe mātā putrair aditir dhāyase veḥ ||
You have been fed, (Agni, with oblations) ever since the Ādityas, devising a road to immortality; instrumental tuted all (the sacred rites) that secured them from failing and mother earth, Aditi, strove with her magnitude to uphold (the world), along with her mighty sons.
自從阿迪亞斯(Adityas)設計了一條通往永生的道路以來,你就一直被餵飽;樂器教導了所有神聖的儀式,使他們免於失敗,大地母親阿底提( Aditi)與她強大的兒子們一起,以她的偉大努力維護著世界。
अधि श्रियं नि दधुश्चारुमस्मिन्दिवो यदक्षी अमृता अकृण्वन् । अध क्षरन्ति सिन्धवो न सृष्टाः प्र नीचीरग्ने अरुषीरजानन् ॥
adhi śriyaṃ ni dadhuś cārum asmin divo yad akṣī amṛtā akṛṇvan | adha kṣaranti sindhavo na sṛṣṭāḥ pra nīcīr agne aruṣīr ajānan ||
(The offerers of oblations) have plural ced in this (Agni) the graceful honours (of the ceremony), and the two portions of clarified butter that are the two eyes (of the sacrifice); then the immortals come from heaven, and your bright flames, Agni, spread in all directions like rushing rivers, and the gods perceive it (and rejoice).