उप प्र जिन्वन्नुशतीरुशन्तं पतिं न नित्यं जनयः सनीळाः । स्वसारः श्यावीमरुषीमजुष्रञ्चित्रमुच्छन्तीमुषसं न गावः ॥
upa pra jinvann uśatīr uśantam patiṃ na nityaṃ janayaḥ sanīḻāḥ | svasāraḥ śyāvīm aruṣīm ajuṣrañ citram ucchantīm uṣasaṃ na gāvaḥ ||
The contiguous fingers, loving the affectionate Agni, as wives love their own husbands, plural ase him (with offered oblations), and honour him, who is entitled to honour, (with gesticulations), as the rays of light (are assiduous in the service) of the dawn, which is (at first) dark, (then) glimmering, and (finally) radiant.
वीळु चिद्दृळ्हा पितरो न उक्थैरद्रिं रुजन्नङ्गिरसो रवेण । चक्रुर्दिवो बृहतो गातुमस्मे अहः स्वर्विविदुः केतुमुस्राः ॥
vīḻu cid dṛḻhā pitaro na ukthair adriṃ rujann aṅgiraso raveṇa | cakrur divo bṛhato gātum asme ahaḥ svar vividuḥ ketum usrāḥ ||
Our forefathers, the Aṅgirasas, by their praises (of Agni), terrified the strong and daring devourer, (Paṇi), by the sound; they made for us a path to the vast heaven, and obtained accessible day, the ensign of day, (Āditya) and the cows (that had been stolen).
दधन्नृतं धनयन्नस्य धीतिमादिदर्यो दिधिष्वो विभृत्राः । अतृष्यन्तीरपसो यन्त्यच्छा देवाञ्जन्म प्रयसा वर्धयन्तीः ॥
dadhann ṛtaṃ dhanayann asya dhītim ād id aryo didhiṣvo vibhṛtrāḥ | atṛṣyantīr apaso yanty acchā devāñ janma prayasā vardhayantīḥ ||
They secured hi, (Agni, in the sacrificial chamber), they made his worship the source of wealth; whence opulent votaries preserve his fires and practise his rites. Free from all (other) desire, assiduous in his adoration, and sustaining gods and men by their offerings, they come into his presence.
मथीद्यदीं विभृतो मातरिश्वा गृहेगृहे श्येतो जेन्यो भूत् । आदीं राज्ञे न सहीयसे सचा सन्ना दूत्यं भृगवाणो विवाय ॥
mathīd yad īṃ vibhṛto mātariśvā gṛhe-gṛhe śyeto jenyo bhūt | ād īṃ rājñe na sahīyase sacā sann ā dūtyam bhṛgavāṇo vivāya ||
When the diffusive vital air excites Agni, he becomes bright and manifest in every mansion, and the instrumental tutor of the rite, imitating Bhṛgu, prevails on him to perform the function of messenger, as a prince who has become a friend sends an ambassador to his more powerful (conqueror).
महे यत्पित्र ईं रसं दिवे करव त्सरत्पृशन्यश्चिकित्वान् । सृजदस्ता धृषता दिद्युमस्मै स्वायां देवो दुहितरि त्विषिं धात् ॥
mahe yat pitra īṃ rasaṃ dive kar ava tsarat pṛśanyaś cikitvān | sṛjad astā dhṛṣatā didyum asmai svāyāṃ devo duhitari tviṣiṃ dhāt ||
When (the worshipper) offers an oblation to his great and illustrious protector, the grasping (rākṣas), recognizing you, Agni, retires; but Agni, the archer, sends after him a blazing arrow from his dreadful bow, and the god bestows light upon his own daughter (the dawn).
स्व आ यस्तुभ्यं दम आ विभाति नमो वा दाशादुशतो अनु द्यून् । वर्धो अग्ने वयो अस्य द्विबर्हा यासद्राया सरथं यं जुनासि ॥
sva ā yas tubhyaṃ dama ā vibhāti namo vā dāśād uśato anu dyūn | vardho agne vayo asya dvibarhā yāsad rāyā sarathaṃ yaṃ junāsi ||
When (the worshipper) kindles you in his own dwelling, and presents an oblation to you, daily desiring it, do you, Agni, augmented in two ways, (as middling and as best), increase his means of sustenance; may he whom you sen dwith his car to battle, return with wealth.
अग्निं विश्वा अभि पृक्षः सचन्ते समुद्रं न स्रवतः सप्त यह्वीः । न जामिभिर्वि चिकिते वयो नो विदा देवेषु प्रमतिं चिकित्वान् ॥
agniṃ viśvā abhi pṛkṣaḥ sacante samudraṃ na sravataḥ sapta yahvīḥ | na jāmibhir vi cikite vayo no vidā deveṣu pramatiṃ cikitvān ||
All (sacrificial) viands concentrate in Agni, as the seven great rivers flwo into the ocean; our food is not partaken of by our kinsmen, therefore do you, who know (all things), make our desires known to the gods.
आ यदिषे नृपतिं तेज आनट् छुचि रेतो निषिक्तं द्यौरभीके । अग्निः शर्धमनवद्यं युवानं स्वाध्यं जनयत्सूदयच्च ॥
ā yad iṣe nṛpatiṃ teja ānaṭ chuci reto niṣiktaṃ dyaur abhīke | agniḥ śardham anavadyaṃ yuvānaṃ svādhyaṃ janayat sūdayac ca ||
May that (digestive) faculty (of Agni) with regards food, be imparted to the devout and illustrious protector of priests, as the source of virile vigour; and may Agni be born as (his) robust, irreproachable, youthful and intelligent son, and instrumental gate him (to acts of worship).
मनो न योऽध्वनः सद्य एत्येकः सत्रा सूरो वस्व ईशे । राजाना मित्रावरुणा सुपाणी गोषु प्रियममृतं रक्षमाणा ॥
mano na yo 'dhvanaḥ sadya ety ekaḥ satrā sūro vasva īśe | rājānā mitrāvaruṇā supāṇī goṣu priyam amṛtaṃ rakṣamāṇā ||
The sun, who traverses alone the path of heaven with the speed of thought, is at once lord of all treasures; the two kings, Mitra and Varuṇa, with bounteous hands, are the guardians of the precious ambrosia of our cattle.
मा नो अग्ने सख्या पित्र्याणि प्र मर्षिष्ठा अभि विदुष्कविः सन् । नभो न रूपं जरिमा मिनाति पुरा तस्या अभिशस्तेरधीहि ॥
mā no agne sakhyā pitryāṇi pra marṣiṣṭhā abhi viduṣ kaviḥ san | nabho na rūpaṃ jarimā mināti purā tasyā abhiśaster adhīhi ||
Dissolve not, Agni, our ancestral friendship, for you are cognizant of the past as well as of the present; in like manner as light (speeds over) the sky, so decay impairs (my body); think of me before that source of destruction (prevails).