這組神靈在《Rig Veda》中很突出,有三十三首讚美詩是專門寫給他們的,七首是寫給因陀羅的,還有一首寫給阿耆尼和Prsni的(vi.54) 。他們組成一個隊伍(ganá,sárdhas),僅以複數形式提及。他們的人數是3*60或3*7。他們是 Rudra(ii.33)和 Prsni 的兒子,Prsni 是一頭牛(可能代表斑駁的風暴雲)。據說,他們是風神Vayu由在天上誕生的,被稱為天子。但它們也被稱為自生的。他們是同年齡、同心、同出生地、同住處的兄弟。它們長在地上、空中、天上,或居住在三層天上。女神羅達西(Rodasi)總是與他們聯繫在一起被提及。她站在他們車上的旁邊,因此似乎被視為他們的新娘。人們常提到Maruts的光彩:它們金黃、紅潤、像火焰一樣閃閃發光,而且是自發光的。它們經常與閃電聯繫在一起:RV 中 vidyút 的所有五種化合物。幾乎完全是對祂它們的描述。他們的長矛代表閃電,正如他們的綽號 rsti-vidyut 閃電矛所表明的那樣。他們也有金斧頭。他們有時會攜帶弓箭,但這一特徵可能是從他們的父親Rudra(樓陀羅)那裡借來的。他們戴著花圈、金色斗篷、金色飾物和金色頭盔。臂環和腳鍊 (khadí) 是他們所特有的。他們乘坐的車閃爍著閃電的光芒,牽引著的駿馬(通常是女性),這些駿馬是紅色的或黃褐色的,有斑點,速度如思想那麼快。他們偉大而強大;年輕不老;無塵、兇猛、像獅子一樣可怕,但也像小孩或牛犢一樣頑皮。他們發出的、經常被提及的噪音是雷聲和風的咆哮。它們使山脈震動,使兩個世界顫抖;它們撕裂樹木,並像野像一樣吞噬森林。他們的主要活動之一就是降雨:他們用雨水遮住太陽的眼睛;下雨時,他們用雲製造黑暗;他們使天桶和山間的溪流傾瀉而出。它們流下的水常常與雷暴有著明顯的關聯。他們的雨通常被形像地稱為牛奶、酥油或蜂蜜。它們避免熱,但也驅散黑暗,產生光明,並為太陽準備一條道路。
वृष्णे शर्धाय सुमखाय वेधसे नोधः सुवृक्तिं प्र भरा मरुद्भ्यः । अपो न धीरो मनसा सुहस्त्यो गिरः समञ्जे विदथेष्वाभुवः ॥
vṛṣṇe śardhāya sumakhāya vedhase nodhaḥ suvṛktim pra bharā marudbhyaḥ | apo na dhīro manasā suhastyo giraḥ sam añje vidatheṣv ābhuvaḥ ||
Offer, Nodhas, earnest praise to the company of the Maruts, the senders of rain and ripeners of fruit, deserving of adoration. Composed, and with folded hands, I utter the praises conceived in my mind, which are efficacious in sacred rites, (and flow rreadily) as the waters.
ते जज्ञिरे दिव ऋष्वास उक्षणो रुद्रस्य मर्या असुरा अरेपसः । पावकासः शुचयः सूर्या इव सत्वानो न द्रप्सिनो घोरवर्पसः ॥
te jajñire diva ṛṣvāsa ukṣaṇo rudrasya maryā asurā arepasaḥ | pāvakāsaḥ śucayaḥ sūryā iva satvāno na drapsino ghoravarpasaḥ || They were born handsome and vigorous from the sky, the sons of Rudra, the conquerors of their foes, pure from sin, and purifying (all), radiant as suns, powerful as evil spirits, diffusers of rain-drops, and of fearful forms.
युवानो रुद्रा अजरा अभोग्घनो ववक्षुरध्रिगावः पर्वता इव । दृळ्हा चिद्विश्वा भुवनानि पार्थिवा प्र च्यावयन्ति दिव्यानि मज्मना ॥
yuvāno rudrā ajarā abhogghano vavakṣur adhrigāvaḥ parvatā iva | dṛḻhā cid viśvā bhuvanāni pārthivā pra cyāvayanti divyāni majmanā ||
Youthful Rudras, and undecaying destructive of those who do not worship (the gods), of unobstructed progress, and immoveable as mountains they are desirous of granting (the wishes of the worshipper), and by their strength agitate all substances, whether of heaven or of earth.
चित्रैरञ्जिभिर्वपुषे व्यञ्जते वक्षस्सु रुक्माँ अधि येतिरे शुभे । अंसेष्वेषां नि मिमृक्षुॠष्टयः साकं जज्ञिरे स्वधया दिवो नरः ॥
citrair añjibhir vapuṣe vy añjate vakṣassu rukmām̐ adhi yetire śubhe | aṃseṣv eṣāṃ ni mimṛkṣur ṛṣṭayaḥ sākaṃ jajñire svadhayā divo naraḥ || They decorate their person ns with various ornaments; they have plural ced, for elegance, brilliant (garlands) on their breasts; lances are borne upon their shoulders, and with them and their own strength have they been both, leaders, from the sky.
ईशानकृतो धुनयो रिशादसो वातान्विद्युतस्तविषीभिरक्रत । दुहन्त्यूधर्दिव्यानि धूतयो भूमिं पिन्वन्ति पयसा परिज्रयः ॥
īśānakṛto dhunayo riśādaso vātān vidyutas taviṣībhir akrata | duhanty ūdhar divyāni dhūtayo bhūmim pinvanti payasā parijrayaḥ ||
Enriching their worshipper, agitating the clouds, devourers of foes, they create the winds are lightnings by their power; the cirumambient and agitating Maruts milk heavenly udders, and sprinkle the earth with water.
पिन्वन्त्यपो मरुतः सुदानवः पयो घृतवद्विदथेष्वाभुवः । अत्यं न मिहे वि नयन्ति वाजिनमुत्सं दुहन्ति स्तनयन्तमक्षितम् ॥
pinvanty apo marutaḥ sudānavaḥ payo ghṛtavad vidatheṣv ābhuvaḥ | atyaṃ na mihe vi nayanti vājinam utsaṃ duhanti stanayantam akṣitam || The munificent Maruts scatter the nutritious waters, as priests at sacrifices the clarified butter; as grooms lead forth a horse, they bring forth the rain from the fleeting-cloud, and milk it, thundering, and unexhausted.
महिषासो मायिनश्चित्रभानवो गिरयो न स्वतवसो रघुष्यदः । मृगा इव हस्तिनः खादथा वना यदारुणीषु तविषीरयुग्ध्वम् ॥
mahiṣāso māyinaś citrabhānavo girayo na svatavaso raghuṣyadaḥ | mṛgā iva hastinaḥ khādathā vanā yad āruṇīṣu taviṣīr ayugdhvam ||
Vast, possessed of knowledge, bright-shining, like mountains in stability and quick in motion, you, like elephants, break down the forests when you put vigour into your ruddy (mares).
सिंहा इव नानदति प्रचेतसः पिशा इव सुपिशो विश्ववेदसः । क्षपो जिन्वन्तः पृषतीभिॠष्टिभिः समित्सबाधः शवसाहिमन्यवः ॥
siṃhā iva nānadati pracetasaḥ piśā iva supiśo viśvavedasaḥ | kṣapo jinvantaḥ pṛṣatībhir ṛṣṭibhiḥ sam it sabādhaḥ śavasāhimanyavaḥ ||
The most wise Maruts roar like lions; the all-knowing are graceful as the spotted deer, destroyign (their foes), delighting (their worshippers); of deadly strength in their anger, they come with their antelopes and their arms, to defen
रोदसी आ वदता गणश्रियो नृषाचः शूराः शवसाहिमन्यवः । आ वन्धुरेष्वमतिर्न दर्शता विद्युन्न तस्थौ मरुतो रथेषु वः ॥
rodasī ā vadatā gaṇaśriyo nṛṣācaḥ śūrāḥ śavasāhimanyavaḥ | ā vandhureṣv amatir na darśatā vidyun na tasthau maruto ratheṣu vaḥ ||
Maruts, who are distinguished in troops, who are benevolent to men, who are heroes, and whose strength is deadly in your anger, you make heaven and earth resound (at your coming); your (glory) sits in the seat-furnished chariots, conspicuous as (a beautiful) form, or as the lovely lightning.
विश्ववेदसो रयिभिः समोकसः सम्मिश्लासस्तविषीभिर्विरप्शिनः । अस्तार इषुं दधिरे गभस्त्योरनन्तशुष्मा वृषखादयो नरः ॥
viśvavedaso rayibhiḥ samokasaḥ sammiślāsas taviṣībhir virapśinaḥ | astāra iṣuṃ dadhire gabhastyor anantaśuṣmā vṛṣakhādayo naraḥ ||
The Maruts, who are all-knowing, co-dwellers with wealth, combined with strength, loud-sounding, repellers of foes, of infinite prowess, whose weapon (of offence) is Indra, and who are leaders (of men), hold in their hands the shaft.
हिरण्ययेभिः पविभिः पयोवृध उज्जिघ्नन्त आपथ्यो न पर्वतान् । मखा अयासः स्वसृतो ध्रुवच्युतो दुध्रकृतो मरुतो भ्राजदृष्टयः ॥
hiraṇyayebhiḥ pavibhiḥ payovṛdha ujjighnanta āpathyo na parvatān | makhā ayāsaḥ svasṛto dhruvacyuto dudhrakṛto maruto bhrājadṛṣṭayaḥ ||
Augmenters of rain, they drive with golden wheels the clouds asunder, as elephants (in a herd break down the trees in their way); they are honoured with sacrifices, visitants of the hall of offering, spontaneous assailers (of their foes), subverters of what are stable, immoveable themselves, and wearers of shining weapons.
घृषुं पावकं वनिनं विचर्षणिं रुद्रस्य सूनुं हवसा गृणीमसि । रजस्तुरं तवसं मारुतं गणमृजीषिणं वृषणं सश्चत श्रिये ॥
ghṛṣum pāvakaṃ vaninaṃ vicarṣaṇiṃ rudrasya sūnuṃ havasā gṛṇīmasi | rajasturaṃ tavasam mārutaṃ gaṇam ṛjīṣiṇaṃ vṛṣaṇaṃ saścata śriye ||
We invoke with praise the foe-destroying, all-purifying, water-shedding, all-surveying band of Maruts, the offspring of Rudra; (priests) to obtain prosperity, have recourse to the dust-raising and powerful band of Maruts, receiving libations from sacred vessels, and showering down (benefits).
प्र नू स मर्तः शवसा जनाँ अति तस्थौ व ऊती मरुतो यमावत । अर्वद्भिर्वाजं भरते धना नृभिरापृच्छ्यं क्रतुमा क्षेति पुष्यति ॥
pra nū sa martaḥ śavasā janām̐ ati tasthau va ūtī maruto yam āvata | arvadbhir vājam bharate dhanā nṛbhir āpṛcchyaṃ kratum ā kṣeti puṣyati ||
The man whom, Maruts, you defend with your protection, quickly surpasses all men in strength; with his horses he acquires food, and with his men, riches; he performs the required worship, and he prospers.
चर्कृत्यं मरुतः पृत्सु दुष्टरं द्युमन्तं शुष्मं मघवत्सु धत्तन । धनस्पृतमुक्थ्यं विश्वचर्षणिं तोकं पुष्येम तनयं शतं हिमाः ॥
carkṛtyam marutaḥ pṛtsu duṣṭaraṃ dyumantaṃ śuṣmam maghavatsu dhattana | dhanaspṛtam ukthyaṃ viśvacarṣaṇiṃ tokam puṣyema tanayaṃ śataṃ himāḥ ||
Maruts, grant to your wealthy (worshippers a son), eminent for good works, invincible in battle, illustrious, the annihilator (of his adversaries), the seizer of wealth, the deserver of praise, and all-discerning; may we cherish such a son and such a grandson for a hundred winterṣ
नू ष्ठिरं मरुतो वीरवन्तमृतीषाहं रयिमस्मासु धत्त । सहस्रिणं शतिनं शूशुवांसं प्रातर्मक्षू धियावसुर्जगम्यात् ॥
nū ṣṭhiram maruto vīravantam ṛtīṣāhaṃ rayim asmāsu dhatta | sahasriṇaṃ śatinaṃ śūśuvāṃsam prātar makṣū dhiyāvasur jagamyāt ||
Grant us, Maruts, durable riches, attended by posterity, and mortifying to our enemies; (riches) recknoned by hundreds and thousands, and ever increasing; may they who have acquired wealth by pious acts, come hither quickly in the morning.