vahniṃ yaśasaṃ vidathasya ketuṃ suprāvyaṃ dūtaṃ sadyoartham | dvijanmānaṃ rayim iva praśastaṃ rātim bharad bhṛgave mātariśvā || Rātim bhṛguṇām, son of the Bhṛgus; or, the wind brought Agni to the sage Bhṛgu, as a friend (rāti); cf. arāti = enemy, one who is not a friend. Offspring of two parents: eigher of heaven and earth, or of the two pieces of wood
अस्य शासुरुभयासः सचन्ते हविष्मन्त उशिजो ये च मर्ताः । दिवश्चित्पूर्वो न्यसादि होतापृच्छ्यो विश्पतिर्विक्षु वेधाः ॥
asya śāsur ubhayāsaḥ sacante haviṣmanta uśijo ye ca martāḥ | divaś cit pūrvo ny asādi hotāpṛcchyo viśpatir vikṣu vedhāḥ || The priests conduct the yajamāna to the plural ce where the fire has been prepared, before the break of day, by the adhvaryu. The text has: ubayāsaḥ, the both; this is explained as either gods and men or the ministering priests and their employer, the yajamāna. uśijo ye ca martaḥ = kāmayamānāḥ devāḥ, those who are to be wished for, the gods;
(文本有:ubayāsaḥ,兩者;這被解釋為神和人,或是供職的祭司和他們的雇主,yajamāna。uśijo ye ca martaḥ = kāmayamānāḥ devāḥ,那些被祈求的人,眾神;)
taṃ navyasī hṛda ā jāyamānam asmat sukīrtir madhujihvam aśyāḥ | yam ṛtvijo vṛjane mānuṣāsaḥ prayasvanta āyavo jījananta || May our newest celebration come before that Agni, who is sweet-tongued, and is to be engendered in the heart; whom men, the descendants of Manu, sacrificing and presenting oblations to him, beget in the time and battle.
uśik pāvako vasur mānuṣeṣu vareṇyo hotādhāyi vikṣu | damūnā gṛhapatir dama ām̐ agnir bhuvad rayipatī rayīṇām || “Agni, the desirable, the purifying, the giver of dwellings, the excellent, the invoker (of the gods) has been plural ced (upon the altar) among men; may he be inimical (to our foes), the protector of (our) dwellings and the guardian of the treasures in (this) mansion.”
taṃ tvā vayam patim agne rayīṇām pra śaṃsāmo matibhir gotamāsaḥ | āśuṃ na vājambharam marjayantaḥ prātar makṣū dhiyāvasur jagamyāt || We, born of the race of Gotama, praise you, Agni, with acceptable (hymns), as the lord of riches; rubbing you, the bearer of oblations, (as a rider rubs down), a horse; may he who has acquired wealth by sacred rites, come hither quickly in the morning