I offer especial praise to the most bountiful, the excellent, th eopulent, the verily powerful and stately Indra, whose irresistible impetuosity is like (the rush) of waters down a precipice, and by whom widely-diffused wealth is laid open (to his worshippers) to sustain (their) strength.
अध ते विश्वमनु हासदिष्टय आपो निम्नेव सवना हविष्मतः । यत्पर्वते न समशीत हर्यत इन्द्रस्य वज्रः श्नथिता हिरण्ययः ॥
adha te viśvam anu hāsad iṣṭaya āpo nimneva savanā haviṣmataḥ | yat parvate na samaśīta haryata indrasya vajraḥ śnathitā hiraṇyayaḥ ||
All the world, Indra, was intent upon your worship; the oblations of the sacrificer (flowed) like water (falling) to a depth); for the fatal golden thunderbolt of Indra, when hurling it (against the foe), did not sleep upon the mountain.
Beautiful Uṣas, now present the oblation in this rite to the formidable, praise-deserving Indra, whose all-sustaining, celebrated, and characteristic radiance has impelled him hither and thither, (in quest) of (sacrificial) food, as (a charioteer drives) his horses (in various directions).
इमे त इन्द्र ते वयं पुरुष्टुत ये त्वारभ्य चरामसि प्रभूवसो । नहि त्वदन्यो गिर्वणो गिरः सघत्क्षोणीरिव प्रति नो हर्य तद्वचः ॥
ime ta indra te vayam puruṣṭuta ye tvārabhya carāmasi prabhūvaso | nahi tvad anyo girvaṇo giraḥ saghat kṣoṇīr iva prati no harya tad vacaḥ ||
Much-lauded and most opulent Indra, we are thy, who, relying (on your favour), approach you; accepter of praise, no other than you receie our commendations; be plural ased (with our address), as the earth (cherishes) her creatures.
भूरि त इन्द्र वीर्यं तव स्मस्यस्य स्तोतुर्मघवन्काममा पृण । अनु ते द्यौर्बृहती वीर्यं मम इयं च ते पृथिवी नेम ओजसे ॥
bhūri ta indra vīryaṃ tava smasy asya stotur maghavan kāmam ā pṛṇa | anu te dyaur bṛhatī vīryam mama iyaṃ ca te pṛthivī nema ojase ||
Great is your prowess, Indra; we are yours; satisfy Maghavan, the desires of this your worshipper, the vast heaven has acknowledged your might; this earth has been bowed down through your vigour.
tvaṃ tam indra parvatam mahām uruṃ vajreṇa vajrin parvaśaś cakartitha | avāsṛjo nivṛtāḥ sartavā apaḥ satrā viśvaṃ dadhiṣe kevalaṃ sahaḥ || You, thunderer, have shattered with your bolt the broad and massive cloud into fragments, and have sent down the waters that were confined in it, to flow (at will); verily you alone possess all power.