Dhruva在梵文裏指的是dhruva nakshatra(ध्रुव नक्षत्र,「北極星」),他是北極星的星主。
根據《薄伽梵往世書》記載:有一次,Dhruva的繼弟Uttama到喜馬拉雅山麓打獵,卻被夜叉所殺。Uttama的母親 Suruchi去找他,卻也被殺了。這個消息傳到了Dhruva那裡。他非常憤怒,於是向夜叉宣戰。他前往夜叉王國Alakapuri,英勇作戰,擊敗了對手。擊敗夜叉士兵後,他甚至開始殘殺無辜的夜叉。Dhruva的祖父斯Svayambhuva Manu對此感到震驚,出現在他面前並要求他停下來。他平息了杜魯瓦的憤怒。Dhruva意識到自己的錯誤後,向夜叉王Vaishravana道歉。Vaishravana請求Dhruva給予恩惠,而Dhruva請求能夠保持他對毘濕奴 (Vishnu) 的忠誠。
Legend of Dhruva, the son of Uttānapāda: he is unkindly treated by his father's second wife: applies to his mother: her advice: he resolves to engage in religious exercises: sees the seven Ṛṣis, who recommend him to propitiate Viṣṇu.
Dhruva的傳說,烏塔納帕達(Uttanapada) 的兒子:他受到父親的第二任妻子的不友善對待:向他的母親提出建議:她的建議:他決心從事宗教活動:見到七個Ṛṣis,他們推薦他去安撫毗濕奴
** 原文propitiate:<挽回祭>是安撫神靈或使神靈心情好的行為,從而獲得神的恩惠或避免神靈的報應。不過這個詞通常是在基督教傳統中的用法。
Parāśara continued:—
I mentioned to you, that the Manu Svāyambhuva had two heroic and pious sons, Priyavrata and Uttānapāda. Of these two, the latter had a son whom he dearly loved, Uttama, by his favourite wife Suruci. By his queen, named Sunīti, to whom he was less attached, he also had a son, called Dhruva. Observing his brother Uttama on the lap of his father, as he was seated upon his throne, Dhruva was desirous of ascending to the same place; but as Suruci was present, the Rāja did not gratify the desire of his son, respectfully wishing to be taken on his father's knee. Beholding the child of her rival thus anxious to be placed on his father's lap, and her own son already seated there, Suruci thus addressed the boy: “Why, child, do you vainly indulge in such presumptuous hopes? You are born from a different mother, and are no son of mine, that you should aspire inconsiderately to a station fit for the excellent Uttama alone. It is true you are the son of the Rāja, but I have not given you birth. This regal throne, the seat of the king of kings, is suited to my son only; why should you aspire to its occupation? why idly cerish such lofty ambition, as if you were my son? do you forget that you are but the offspring of Sunīti.”
我曾向您(指彌勒)提到過,馬努‧斯瓦揚布瓦 ( Manu Svāyambhuva)有兩個英勇而虔誠的兒子,普里亞瓦塔 ( Priyavrata)和烏塔納帕達 (Uttanapada)。在這兩個人中,Uttanapada與他最喜愛的妻子Suruci育有一個他深愛的兒子Uttama 。他與他的王后Sunīti育有一個兒子,名叫Dhruva,而Uttanapada對這位王后的依戀程度較低。Dhruva看到他的兄弟Uttama坐在他父親的腿上,他渴望登上同樣的地方。但由於Suruci在場,看到國王並沒有滿足兒子Dhruva的願望,只能恭敬地希望被抱在父親的腿上。看到情敵Sunīti的孩子如此渴望被放在父親的腿上,而她自己的兒子已經坐在那裡,Suruci對Dhruva說道:
The boy, having heard the speech of his step-mother, quitted his father, and repaired in a passion to the apartment of his own mother; who, beholding him vexed, took him upon her lap, and, gently smiling, asked him what was the cause of his anger, who had displeased him, and if any one, forgetting the respect due to his father, had behaved ill to him. Dhruva, in reply, repeated to her all that the arrogant Suruci had said to him in the presence of the king. Deeply distressed by the narrative of the boy, the humble Sunīti, her eyes dimmed with tears, sighed, and said, “Suruci has rightly spoken; thine, child, is an unhappy fate: those who are born to fortune are not liable to the insults of their rivals. Yet be not afflicted, my child, for who shall efface what thou hast formerly done, or shall assign to thee what thou hast left undone. The regal throne, the umbrella of royalty, horses and elephants, are his whose virtues have deserved them: remember this, my son, and be consoled. That the king favours Suruci is the reward of her merits in a former existence. The name of wife alone belongs to such as I, who have not equal merit. Her son is the progeny of accumulated piety, and is born as Uttama: mine has been born as Dhruva, of inferior moral worth. Therefore, my son, it is not proper for you to grieve; a wise man will be contented with that degree which appertains to him: but if you continue to feel hurt at the words of Suruci, endeavour to augment that religious merit which bestows all good; be amiable, be pious, be friendly, be assiduous in benevolence to all living creatures; for prosperity descends upon modest worth as water flows towards low ground.”
『Suruci說得對;孩子,這是一種不好的命運:生來有福的人不會受到對手的侮辱。然而,不要難過,我的孩子,因為誰會抹去你以前所做的事情,或將你未完成的事情分配給你 ? 富麗堂皇的王座、皇室的保護傘、馬匹和大象,都是他的美德所應得的:記住這一點,我的兒子,不要難過。國王對Suruci的寵愛,是她前世的功德。妻子之名,只屬於我這樣,沒有同等功德的人。她的兒子是虔誠累積的後裔,出生為Uttama:我的兒子出生為德茹瓦Dhruva,功德價值較低。因此,我的孩子,你悲傷是不適當的;一個智者會對他所看到的程度感到滿意:但如果你繼續對Suruci的話感到受傷,請努力增強那種賜予一切善行的宗教功德;和藹、虔誠、友善、精進、慈悲一切眾生;因為當水流向低地時,繁榮就會落在適度的價值上。』
Dhruva answered; “Mother, the words that you have addressed to me for my consolation find no place in a heart that contumely has broken. I will exert myself to obtain such elevated rank, that it shall be revered by the whole world. Though I be not born of Suruci, the beloved of the king, you shall behold my glory, who am your son. Let Uttama my brother, her child, possess the throne given to him by my father; I wish for no other honours than such as my own actions shall acquire, such as even my father has not enjoyed.”
Having thus spoken, Dhruva went forth from his mother's dwelling: he quitted the city, and entered an adjoining thicket, where he beheld seven Munis sitting upon hides of the black antelope, which they had taken from off their persons, and spread over the holy kusa grass. Saluting them reverentially, and bowing humbly before then, the prince said, “Behold in me, venerable men, the son of Uttānapāda, born of Sunīti. Dissatisfied with the world, I appear before you.” The Ṛṣis replied; “The son of a king, and but four or five years of age, there can be no reason, child, why you should be dissatisfied with life; you cannot be in want of any thing whilst the king your father reigns; we cannot imagine that you suffer the pain of separation from the object of your affections; nor do we observe in your person any sign of disease. What is the cause of your discontent? Tell us, if it is known to yourself.”
『尊敬的人們,請看我,烏塔納帕達 (Uttanapada) ,Sunīti的兒子,對這個世界不滿意,我就出現在你面前。』
Ṛṣis 回答說:
Dhruva then repeated to the Ṛṣis what Suruci had spoken to him; and when they had heard his story, they said to one another, “How surprising is the vehemence of the Kṣetriya nature, that resentment is cerished even by a child, and he cannot efface from his mind the harsh speeches of a step-mother. Son of a Kṣetriya, tell us, if it be agreeable to thee, what thou hast proposed, through dissatisfaction with the world, to accomplish. If thou wishest our aid in what thou hast to do, declare it freely, for we perceive that thou art desirous to speak.
Dhruva said; “Excellent sages, I wish not for riches, neither do I want dominion: I aspire to such a station as no one before me has attained. Tell me what I must do to effect this object; how I may reach an elevation superior to all other dignities.” The Ṛṣis severally thus replied.—Marīci said; “The best of stations is not within the reach of men who fail to propitiate Govinda. Do thou, prince, worship the undecaying (Achyuta).” Atri said; “He with whom the first of spirits, Janārddana, is pleased, obtains imperishable dignity. I declare unto you the truth.” Aṅgiras said; “If you desire an exalted station, worship that Govinda in whom, immutable and undecaying, all that is, exists.” Pulastya said; “He who adores the divine Hari, the supreme soul, supreme glory, who is the supreme Brahma, obtains what is difficult of attainment, eternal liberation.” “When that Janārddana,” observed Kratu, “who in sacrifices is the soul of sacrifice, and who in abstract contemplation is supreme spirit, is pleased, there is nothing man may not acquire.” Pulaha said; “Indra, having worshipped” the lord of the world, obtained the dignity of king of the celestials. Do thou adore, pious youth, that Viṣṇu, the lord of sacrifice." “Any thing, child, that the mind covets,” exclaimed Vaśiṣṭha, “may be obtained by propitiating Viṣṇu, even though it he the station that is the most excellent in the three worlds.”
『最好的境界,對於那些未能安撫Govinda的人來說是遙不可及的。王子,你崇拜不死者(Achyuta)嗎?” Atri說過;「凡是第一位神靈賈納達納 (Janarddana) 所喜悅的人,都會獲得不朽的尊嚴。我向你們宣告真相。」 Aṅgiras說;「如果你渴望崇高的地位,就崇拜Govinda,在他身上,存在著永恆不變、不朽的一切。」 Pulastya說;「崇拜神聖的Hari、至高無上的靈魂、至高無上的榮耀、至高無上的梵天的人,獲得了難以達到的成就,永恆的解脫。」 Kratu觀察到:「Janarddana在獻祭是獻祭的靈魂,在深奧冥想中是至高無上的精神,當他感到高興時,沒有什麼是人不能獲得的。」 Pulaha說;「因陀羅崇拜了世界之主,獲得了天王的尊嚴。」虔誠的年輕人,你崇拜毗濕奴,獻祭之主嗎?孩子,Vaśiṣṭha說:心靈所渴望的任何東西,都可以通過安撫毘濕奴獲得。儘管他擁有三個世界中最卓越的地位。』
Dhruva replied to them; “You have told me, humbly bending before you, what deity is to be propitiated: now inform me what prayer is to he meditated by me, that will offer him gratification. May the great Ṛṣis, looking upon me with favour, instruct me how I am to propitiate the god.” The Ṛṣis answered; “Prince, thou deservest to hear how the adoration of Viṣṇu has been performed by those who have been devoted to his service. The mind must first be made to forsake all external impressions, and a man must then fix it steadily on that being in whom the world is. By him whose thoughts are thus concentrated on one only object, and wholly filled by it; whose spirit is firmly under control; the prayer that we shall repeat to thee is to be inaudibly recited: ‘Om! glory to Vāsudeva, whose essence is divine wisdom; whose form is inscrutable, or is manifest as Brahmā, Viṣṇu, and Śiva.’ This prayer, which was formerly uttered by your grandsire, the Manu Svāyambhuva, and propitiated by which, Viṣṇu conferred upon him the prosperity he desired, and which was unequalled in the three worlds, is to be recited by thee. Do thou constantly repeat this prayer, for the gratification of Govinda.