Dr. Aitchison has lately stated that Soma must be the Ephedra pachyclade, which in the Harirud valley is said to bear the name of hum, huma, and Yahma. This supposition is confirmed by Dr. Joseph Barumüller, a botanist long resident in Kerman, who identifies the Soma plant with some kind of Ephedra, probably Ephedra distachya, but who remarks that different varieties of Ephepra are to be found from Siberia to the Iberian peninsula, so that one must give up the hope of determining the original home of the Aryas by means of the habitat of the Soma plant, (Quarterly Review, No. 384, Octr. 1894, p. 455).
艾奇森博士最近表示,Soma應該是麻黃 pachyclade,據說在 Harirud 山谷,這種麻黃的名字是hum、huma和Yahma。這一推測得到了約瑟夫•巴魯米勒博士 (Dr.Joseph Barumüller)的證實。約瑟夫•巴魯米勒 (Joseph Barumüller) 是一位長期居住在克爾曼的植物學家,他將索瑪植物與某種麻黃(可能是二穗麻黃)進行了鑑定,但他指出,從西伯利亞到西伯利亞半島都可以找到不同品種的麻黃,因此人們必須放棄希望透過索瑪植物的棲息地來確定雅利安人的原始家園(《季刊評論》,第384 期,1894 年10 月,第455 頁) 。
The Soma plant possessed intoxicating properties and the Vedic Aryans recognised it as a quickener of the intellect. ‘Soma, like the sea, has poured forth songs, and hymns, and thoughts.’
‘The beverage (i.e., Soma juice) is divine; it purifies, it inspires joy, it is a water of life;......it gives health and immortality.’
We’ve quaffed the Soma bright,
And are immortal grown;
We’ve entered into light,
And all the gods have known.
What mortal now can harm,
Or foeman vex us more?
Through thee, beyond alarm,
Immortal god, we soa
Address to Soma.
“Thou Soma, fond of praise, the lord of plants, art life to us.”
“Be unto us, Soma the bestower of wealth, the remover of disease, Exulting Soma! increase with all twining plants.”
“I invoke the divine waters, in which our cattle drink:
Ambrosia is in the waters; in the waters are medicinal herbs.”
Soma is supposed to preside over medicinal herbs, and therefore the Rishi Medhatithi continues his hymn,
索瑪(Soma)應該統領所有藥草,因此聖人梅德哈蒂蒂(Rishi Medhatithi)繼續他的讚美詩,如下:
“Soma has declared to me, ‘all medicaments as well as Agni, the benefactor of the Universe, are in the waters;’ the waters contain all healing herbs.
『所有的藥物以及宇宙的恩人阿耆尼都在水中; 水中有所有治療草藥。』
“Waters bring to perfection all disease,—dispelling medicaments for (the good of) my body, that I may long behold the sun.
“Waters take away whatever sin has been (found) in me, whether I have (knowingly) done wrong or have pronounced imprecations (against holy men) or (have spoken) untruth.
“I have this day entered into the waters: we have mingled with their essence.” (Wilson’s translation of the Rig. Veda. Vol. I. p. 57).
『我今天進入了水域:我們與它們的本質融為一體。』 (威爾森翻譯的《梨俱吠陀》第一卷第 57 頁)。
“Thou, Soma, fond of praise, the lord of plants, art life to us.”
“Be unto us, Soma, the bestower of wealth, the remover of disease, Exulting Soma! increase with all twining plants.” (Ibid p: 23 4).